Over the past few weeks, we have seen the perceptions of risk and safety change from simple physical (social) distancing and washing hands to complete lockdowns. Social distancing is a term that many of us didn’t know until recently and it is this mitigation method that has had a major immediate impact on cities. As […]
Understanding the pandemic | Is density to blame?
Over the past few weeks, we have watched the cities go into lockdown as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts across the world showing them at their barest with no people and resembling a scene out of Hollywood blockbuster (Vanilla Sky or I am Legend). There is a sense of angst, trepidation, fear and at times humour […]
Parks are key to maintaining mental health
Parks and open space provide a public amenity for all and the access to open space is key to the physical and mental health of citizens, especially true during a health crisis when people are feeling anxiety and stress. There is a great deal of research that has been undertaken that shows that green areas […]
How to create a winning Awards submission?
There are numerous local, country and international landscape architecture Awards that are currently open for submissions including the annual WLA Awards. This is a guide on how to create the best submission that may win you a landscape architecture award. Know the eligibility criteriaAll awards have a set of eligibility criteria, it may be years built or […]
How to apply for an internship?
This is a brief guide for submitting your application for a landscape architecture internship. I do not take internships at World Landscape Architecture. Do your researchThe first thing you should do when looking for an internship is to undertake some research about the firms including where they are located, how big is the firm, do […]