Year after year I hear people go to the same conference. Why? Different city, different speakers? Isn’t it time your thought a little outside your profession and went to something a little or completely different. Seeing the same people year after year hearing the same ideas about what the profession should be doing or a variation on that new idea from 5 years ago. Maybe its time your went to a unconference or a tech conference or a music festival or a trade show that has nothing to do with your industry. Why? Well, think about the last time you felt inspired at the professional annual conference. Don’t you feel like everyone’s drank the coolaid and patting themselves on the back in your profession conference? Its time for a change in scenery.
If your an structural, civil, hydro engineer go to the architects or the planners conference – you may learn something and pick a bit of business. If your in PR, Marketing, Media go to CES or electronics trade show or the tourism show. If your in sales go to the distribution show or the logistics conferences.
I think you’ll be amazed at how seeing it from your customer, allied professional or another field may change the way you look at what you do and inspire you with new ideas.