When you have worked for various companies and clients in different countries and cultures you soon realise that there is not one way to do something. Never get lost in the pushing what you think is the “right way of doing it” on to others. Â You may have learnt the “right way” at school or […]
Book Review | The Social Organism by Oliver Luckett & Micheal J. Casey
I picked up The Social Organism after watching Oliver Luckett on Gary Vaynerchuk’s #askgaryvee vlog and was interested in the concept of social (media) as seen from the lens of an organism. The book gives background of the Social Organism and how the seven rules of life (biology) can be applied to social media. Luckett explores social […]
Hyper-city | Hyper-density
Hypercity | A hyper-city is has an overall density that xceeds 5,000+ inhabitants/km² often with city districts exceeding 30,000+ inhabitants/km2. Cities that fall under this definition include Mumbai, Paris, Nairobi, Hong Kong, Macau, Dhaka, Dar es Salaam, London, Manila, Stockholm and Shanghai [1] Most existing hyper-cities are located in Europe with some in Americas, the newer […]
Sustainable Landscape Architecture Part 4: Can standards and certification create sustainable landscapes?
At last I got round to finishing my blog posts – Part 4 and 5 of Sustainable Landscape Architecture Series. Although I believe that standards such Sustainable Sites and certification such as LEED AP can contribute to advancing landscape architecture and creating sustainable landscapes they also become a crutch that we point to and say […]
Sustainable Landscape Architecture Part 3: Can Technology & Materials create Sustainable Landscape Architecture?
In our previous two parts of the this series I have explored the my definition of sustainability and discussed whether green landscape = sustainable landscape architecture. The next subject of the Sustainable landscape architecture series is Can Techonology and Materials create Sustainable Landscape Architecture? When referring to technology and materials I am thinking about the […]