Think of your school, university or workplace unless you are someone fortunate enough to be in a interesting work or learning environment, Â I am guessing the walls in your office or school are white, the floor is a some hue of grey or dark colour and the furniture looks like it came from an industrial […]
Innovation through difference
Rapid innovation does not occur through persevering at one idea with the same people until you ‘crack’ the code. You may get some innovation this way and many scientists, business people have gone this route however their progress is slow and I am sure they spoke to other people about their problems. Creating difference in […]
Android phones to see big growth in 2011 in China
Android is going to have a big year in China and it will occur due to the market size, the number of manufacturers, phone cost and growing community. China is a big market for mobile phones – about 840 million subscribers and the phone is an all round device for many Chinese who use the […]
Design changes the way you live, work and play everyday
Design affects you everyday from the time you rise from your bed to the time you come home and retire to bed. Design is everywhere and helps you in every way achieve you goals for the day. Design occurs from the mundane such as tap or door to the highly sophisticated such as a car or plane […]
Spanish Ghost towns – urban planning via market forces
Much has been written about the ghost towns of China and its now interesting to see that ghost towns in Europe are now popping up in the media such as the recent New York Times article Newly Built Ghost Towns Haunt Banks in Spain. The Chinese ghost town have various reasons for occurring but from […]