Multiple Skills & Interests

Having multiple skills and interests is a good thing and should be encourage in schools, universities and work. Having multiple interests and influences allows you to think more laterally and outside the realm of your job, sport, and life. Having one skill and perfecting  it may be great but even after a while your brain goes stale and needs stimulus. If you have multiple skills or areas of expertise these allow you to think differently. An example might be that if you may have skills as an office admin or architect or business manager, but you also know a bit about design. Your understanding of design whether its process or execution of ideas could influence your job and create new opportunities to push accounting or another area of the business in another direction that could make or save the company money. If you had focused on one area of expertise this would have alluded you. Having skills in polar opposite areas is the best way to push yourself it makes life more interesting on how you approach problems.

Pros – so many different influences and ideas, keep mind active, move up down or sideways with ease in your workplace, help you play sport or help your family life
Cons – people lack understanding of where you coming from, people question your knowledge, label you as a know it all.

Overall, I think its best for people to have numerous skills and interests to create a more interesting workplace and life.