At last I got round to finishing my blog posts – Part 4 and 5 of Sustainable Landscape Architecture Series. Although I believe that standards such Sustainable Sites and certification such as LEED AP can contribute to advancing landscape architecture and creating sustainable landscapes they also become a crutch that we point to and say […]
Improve tourism development through holistic design
In China, government and developers are looking more and more towards tourism development to captialise on the growing market of middle class Chinese who travel across China on national holidays. They are seeking new places, different cultures, different food and new experiences to remember for years to come. The current developments they are visiting are […]
Landscape in China | 2012
2012 will be another interesting year for landscape architecture in China. Currently a lot of people are looking at a slow down for 2012 as the real estate market continues to cool. I hope that it is not too great and that the market slows gradually. For landscape architecture this could be a good thing […]
Design and Thinking – Documentary
Design Thinking was a term coined by Tim Brown, CEO of  IDEO. There are different interpretations of design thinking (like all theories and new ideas) and how it manifests itself in business and the real world. To me, I called ‘design thinking’ – design process in the past, basically taking the process of design and the […]
What does a landscape architect do?
Landscape Architects design outdoor spaces (and sometimes indoors) from small gardens to large highways and they play an important role in every city in shaping its spaces. Landscape architects can formulate city policy, undertake an environmental impact assessment, create a masterplan for a natural area or heritage area or a new city, design plazas, malls, […]