Creating ideas is different for everyone, for some people its hard to do, for others very easy. For me I can create ideas fairly easily, but its often the place that makes the difference. The place I seem to be able to easily create ideas is on a plane or train. Its something about the […]
Businesses are treating social media like a webpage in the mid-1990’s
Social media is currently in the same place webpages where in the mid-1990’s where businesses where putting up their business webpage and expecting people to come and start buying. It wasn’t until businesses realised they needed to promote their website and integrate it with their existing marketing that their webpages started generating emails, calls and […]
6 Questions you need to answer when planning a business, startup or idea
Starting a business, a startup or conceptualising an idea can be exciting and hard work but there is a need to focus on the basics so that you can then go to the next step by formulating and ‘fleshing out’ the idea. I have 6 questions I ask people when looking at a new idea […]
Why the NHL should be in China
The National Hockey League is currently going through one of the most exciting periods of the season – the Stanley Cup playoffs with Game 1 set to kick off between the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. But sadly, the coverage in China is minimal. For a sport so fast paced, full of action and provides […]
Creating the right marketing material for the China market
Recently I have seen some brochures from international design companies for the Chinese market. Some were good and others were down right appalling. I thought I would give some insights into what makes your marketing material good or bad for the China market. Lets start with the bad Too smaller size font for Chinese text – […]