I recently stumbled upon I Read Where I Am via twitter. I have just started reading it and found an interesting way of producing a written work that is free on the internet. The various essays about reading, writing, journalism, and the changes occurring in the digital age of media. I Read Where I Am, 82 invited authors, […]
Innovation through difference
Rapid innovation does not occur through persevering at one idea with the same people until you ‘crack’ the code. You may get some innovation this way and many scientists, business people have gone this route however their progress is slow and I am sure they spoke to other people about their problems. Creating difference in […]
Multiple Skills & Interests
Having multiple skills and interests is a good thing and should be encourage in schools, universities and work. Having multiple interests and influences allows you to think more laterally and outside the realm of your job, sport, and life. Having one skill and perfecting it may be great but even after a while your brain […]
Nokia tie up with Microsoft, does it really matter?
I have used Nokia phones since 1995 with a 2110i and onto a 5110 in 1999 then 3310 in 2002. 2004-05 I was in Canada with some awful phone and then China with 6210 and E71 and recently X3. One thing that has struck me is that the phones over time have had Nokia phones […]