Tag: 规划师

  • What does a landscape architect do?

    Landscape Architects design outdoor spaces (and sometimes indoors) from small gardens to large highways and they play an important role in every city in shaping its spaces. Landscape architects can formulate city policy, undertake an environmental impact assessment, create a masterplan for a natural area or heritage area or a new city, design plazas, malls, streetscapes, parks most landscapes that you see will have some design input from a landscape architect. Landscape Architects work with many other design professionals including urban planners, urban designers, architects, engineers, horticulturalists, arborists, surveryors, heritage consultants, construction managers, construction workers, artists, designers, lighting consultants and many more.

    Most Landscape architects spend many hours in the office thinking about concepts and formulating ideas with some field work during site inventory and also during construction.

    Landscape architects who focus on design concentrate their design skills on the arrangement and style of the space including the paving, planting, furniture, structures, water features, drainage, land forms, roads, signage(ci), and lighting.

    Landscape Architects not only design they work in many other areas and specialisations including planning, park management, construction management, research, heritage or environmental conservation and many more.